Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Hello from Nepal!!!

Kathmandu - The view from the roof of my house.
I'm here!!!
I survived the 36 hour trip and am now slowly but surely adjusting to life here in Kathmandu: the city with no street names, seemingly no traffic laws, and me… trying my best to adjust. I’m not going to lie: during my ride home from the airport and very first day my prevailing thought was “What did I get myself into??” The sights, sounds, and smells are so different from any experience in the US that it was a little overwhelming (and the jet lag certainly didn’t help either). 

I’m happy to share that my prevailing thought has changed from “What did I get myself into?” to “Okay, I can do this.” Well, it’s more like “Okay, God can do this.” He’s shown me so many times over the past two days that He’s with me every second and will give me more than I need not only to survive, but to thrive in this new place. 

Here are some of the ways I’ve been blessed:
  1. Meeting some of the other new teachers at KISC – I really feel like I’ll have friends and a community here… bonus fun-fact: They love card games and Settlers of Catan!
  2. Visiting KISC and starting orientation and language training – I don’t know how quickly I’ll pick up Nepali, but I think languages are fascinating J.
  3. Meeting the KISC swim coach – I wasn’t even looking for her! She’d LOVE to have me help out! If my schedule allows, I’m totally there!
  4. Meeting the founder of the Kathmandu Triathalon Club – He just so happens to be married to the swim coach. They do 5-6 mile runs every Saturday morning!
  5. All of YOUR prayers and encouragements – They seriously mean the world to me. I know I haven’t responded to all your emails/messages yet, but they’ve really played a huge role in my coping and adjustment… so THANK YOU!!!
There is so much more that I could write, but I’ll have to save it for another day. If you have any questions/comments feel free to do so here or to email me! 

Check out my updated prayers and praises, on the right side of this page. 
Also, for more photos, check out my new Flickr account! Click here: http://www.flickr.com/photos/fairchildwl1/
(I’ve posted more photos on Flickr to accommodate you non-Facebookers).


  1. Hi Whitney
    Any chance you can post some pictures of the school?

    Love ya!

  2. I'll definitely post some of those soon!
